Whenever you get the chance to be in the Grand Canyon during the winter slow season, you take it. The canyon is incredible at this time of year, with the snow highlighting the rocky plateau's, beautiful light from the sun being low in the sky, and the lack of crowd's . There is usually a rush around the Christmas and New Year holiday, but if you get your timing right, it's possible to get a backcountry permit. I love this shot of Zoroaster Temple first thing in the morning. "Zoro" is the dominating feature of this hike , from the hike in on the South Kaibab trail and along the river trail to the Bright Angel hike out. It all comes together with the Colorado river running by and 'Zoro" looming up above.
Mule deer sighting at Phantom Ranch. For those of you who have spent time there, it is almost old hat to see them, but I always have a lot of fun being able to get so close
The mules are as much Grand Canyon as the Yankees's are New York city. One of the last places in the states to send mail via mule is from Phantom ranch. Next time you see a mule wrangler ask him/her if it's true that they eat hay.